molden64_CDD_course_2020.exe The full CDD course distribution, as an self-extracting executable: The windows 10 64-bits gmolden6.4 software, the auxiliary programs obabel, pharmer and open3dqsar. Together with the Practicals and WorkGroup problems. DONT USE THIS if you have a SPACE in your windows user name, in stead use the .rar file with the same name. molden64_CDD_course_2020.rar Same as above,but now as a .rar file molden_native_windows_full_64bits.rar Same as above, however without the Practicals and WorkGroup directories. molden_native_windows_64bits.rar Same as above, however without the auxiliary programs: obabel, pharmer and open3dqsar and without Practicals and Workgroup directories. So just the 64-bits gmolden distribution. molden_native_windows_full.rar This is the 32-bits gmolden6.2 distribution, together with auxiliary programs: obabel, pharmer and open3dqsar. molden_native_windows.rar This is just the 32-bits gmolden6.2 windows distribution.