The molden versions ( ${ver} ) are compiled under MacOSX leopard on intel processor, with the gfortran compiler of the Fink distribution. You may be missing the shared object libraries required to run the executables. The executables are: molden%{ver}.macosX (standard Xwindows version) gmolden${ver}.macosX (opengl version) ambfor (the auxiliary amber/gaff force field program) ambmd (the auxiliary amber/gaff MD program) surf (auxiliary program to create solvent accessible protein surfaces). molden${ver}_MacOSX_full.tar.gz These version contain all files to run the 64 bits distribution of molden. They include the molden executables: gmolden, molden, ambfor, ambmd, surf and also auxiliary packages such as pharmer, openbabel and open3dqsar and all auxilliary files to run these packages from molden. Molden${ver}.dmg Mountable disk image (DMG) containing all of the above. Libgfortran.3.dylib The gfortran dynamic load library If the executables wont run because of a move library (Sierra and up), type from a terminal window: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libcoretls.dylib /usr/lib/libsystem_coretls.dylib